Monday, May 18, 2009

The following information has just be sent to all PC volunteers headed to Malawi.

For the first week, we will stay with all Trainees in dorm rooms at a local college, two to a room. At the end of one week, we will move to our Homestay family and divide into language groups (Chichewa or Chitumbuka). We will have our own room, with simple furnishings, within a family home.

We will each be issued a sturdy “mountain bike” for use at our site. The bikes will be issued at the end of PST when you will receive bicycle riding and maintenance training. We will not need the bikes during PST (pre-service training) as we will be fully immersing ourselves in the local village by walking as much as possible.

As a Trainee in Dedza we will not have access to either Internet or e-mail - with the possible exception of the weekend following site visit. Family and friends are advised to send mail the old fashioned way. There is an office phone at the training site for business and emergency purposes, and the Training Manager has a cell phone for emergencies. Since we won’t have access to phone or email no news is good news concerning our arrival.
Our address will be:
BOX 208

Local Conditions
The Training Site is within a College located in Dedza. It is said to be a lovely place for our first introduction to Malawian life and work. There is a lot of pine plantation area, hills of indigenous forest, magnificent rock outcrops and mainly dirt (muddy) roads. The rain and elevation makes it chilly sometimes, but then the sun comes out and it’s nice and toasty. Lightweight hiking or work boots and Teva-style sandals are most popular and practical for Health PCVs.

The First Weekend
On Monday, the day we arrive, there will be a low-key welcome activity. We may want to go for a short hike right away, or sleep off the plane ride, so the afternoon is free. For the first four days, there will be introductory sessions for culture, Chichewa language, and brief informational interviews with the APCD and Medical Officer. There will also be a briefing on the entire eight-week training period.

Our training will, for the most part, be village-based. The College is located about 80 kilometers south of Lilongwe. The cluster villages are around the College, but transportation will be limited to feet and training vehicles. Once a week all Trainees will gather for common sessions such as medical, safety and administrative briefings.

1 comment:

Dara said...

Happy Birthday Noel - the BIG 60! Love you...Dara