Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our house (albeit just an exterior shot)

For those who are interested in seeing our "permanent" dwelling, this photo shows the view as you approach from the gated entrance. It looks, and is, fairly nice, but it was totally barren inside when we first inhabited it. We have since been able to add a very few items, mainly a couple of tables and chairs and a bed. The kitchen has been fitted with a small electric cook stove consisting of two top hot plates and a small oven. Adequate for our needs. Still no way to refrigerate anything, so we carefully and frequently shop.
Started drinking our homemade wine; generally pleased, although the alcohol content seems somewhat low. Have to start planning the next batch soon.
Our challenges: For the reality - we lose our power almost every day, usually around the time we have started to prepare our dinner, 6PM or so, and it stays out anywhere from an hour to three hours. Water service is also subject to frequent outages, but not as often as the power. Getting things fixed, or to work at all sometimes, is a challenge as not having, or being able to find, a tool is a constant problem. What we would identify as common items in the workplace, like scissors, paper clips, pens and paper are scarce, or in short supply, or tightly controlled. Workmanship has our concerns and frustrations, from replacing door locks to any basic repair. Probably back to the lack of readily available tools. Our daily commute has been mentioned, but it also provides a nice source of exercise.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Again, let us know what you would like to know so that we can make this blog as interesting as possible. Stay healthy and safe.

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