Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We are settled!

Please note our new addresses on the left!
We are finally into our "permanent" home trying to establish ourselves in the community. This means finding the best places to shop for the necessities that we can afford, meeting neighbors, establishing routes to work (we both have about a 30 minute walk, in different directions), and keeping our bike tires inflated. Bike commutes will hopefully be a part of our travels, soon.


Logan's mom said...

Hi there, My husband was a PCV in Mikolongwe (health sector). I was wondering if anyone is stationed in Mikolongwe or Nguludi this year?Enjoy Malawi! We met there, spent two years and got married upon returning to the US. We will definitely go back!

Noel & Kaye said...

No, sorry but none of the twenty of us were placed in either location.

Dara said...

Which one of you does the laundry? Loved the pics!

Noel & Kaye said...

We both have a hand, literally, in the laundry. Makes you appreciate machines a little more, but I do like the air-drying outdoors.

Dava said...

I think of you often and know that the two of you are in the right place at the right times of your lives.

Kaye, Angie Wray has been accepted into Roan State's AD Nursing program. I am so pleased for her and she is so excited to be starting.


dara said...

I just got back from a 10 mile bike ride....took me an hour. But I haven't ridden in 2 wks and am on the mend from a bad cold/fever...anyways, was wondering...you said you walked 35 min. to and from work...what would that calculate into MILES...I know you 2 are in MUCH BETTER SHAPE than I am...but I could much better appreciate your walk if it were in MILES. Just curious...thanks

Noel & Kaye said...

Our 35 minute walks are roughly 2.5 miles each way (just a guess). Congrats on your biking; it will get you in shape and to be healthier.